They took the internet by storm before anyone even really knew what was going on. They took a critical look at the rap scene in Egypt with wit, satire, and intelligence. They're Egypt's modern-day comedians, writers, and actors.
They're none other than Nesr El Scene.
First appearing on YouTube in March with their first episode, they didn't expect their lighthearted mockumentary series to go as viral as it did. Though they started off with 500 views, the support of Egyptian rapper Abyusif and El-Mexic crew like Abo El Anwar catalyzed their fame, where the group woke up to 60,000 views on their first episode overnight.
Over the following four episodes, their notoriety only skyrocketed. With shout-outs from the likes of super stars Wegz, Marwan Moussa, and the support of the entire Egyptian youth, Nesr El Scene are now THE moment - trending on YouTube and amassing millions of views across all their videos.
El Fasla sat down with the talented comedians for an interview with the actors & characters who make Nesr El Scene the hit that it is.
Watch the video above to hear how Nesr El Scene came about, who the characters are, and whether we're getting a Season 2. Yaaaaaw!
Watch the full video below.
Nesr El Scene: The Interview
A sit down with the scene's funniest 'rappers'.
Apr 19, 2022

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