Wegz has emerged as a cultural force in the realm of hip hop with his groundbreaking tracks. In his latest release, "Helwa Menak," Wegz presents the official song for new drama film ‘Voy! Voy! Voy!’ directed by Omar Hilal, featuring Egyptian star Muhammad Farrag in the lead role. Produced by Sintax and mixed and mastered by Nader Doliman, ‘Helwa Menak’ is a cinematic head-nodder driven by Wegz’ famous fast-paced gravely hooks, echoing throughout a slow bass-heavy shaabi rhythm. Through his lyrics, Wegz candidly expresses his feelings of alienation and his struggle to find his place within the cityscape.
Accompanying this captivating track is a visually striking music video, shot in black and white and directed by Omar Hilal, the creative mind behind "Voy! Voy! Voy!" In the video, Wegz floats, soaring above the bustling buildings of Cairo alongside a diverse cast of individuals, symbolizing the song's underlying message. Interwoven within the video are scenes from the movie, showcasing the main actor, Mohamed Farrag, in moments of frustration and a seemingly desperate attempt to escape an uncertain fate.
Wegz continues to transcend boundaries, both in music and the silver screen, leaving an indelible mark on the Egyptian entertainment industry.