Last year, Lebanese producer and composer, Liliane Chlela, released a four-track experimental dance EP that cemented her position as one of the most unique makers of music to come out of Lebanon over the last decade. Malign/Benign took us into a dark, anxious future - and it was glorious, without doubt one of the releases of the year.
On May 27th, Chlela is set to release her next album, Safala, and though there is very little information about it out in the world, we have just got our first peek of it with the release of ‘Bouraz’. Considerably more terrestrial-sounding than Malign/Benign, the track sees Chlela go from musician to machinist, industrial droning whales and a hypnotically skittish beat driving it forward and no doubt leaving us hungry for the rest of the eight-track EP. Stay tuned.
Photo Credit: Karl Sfeir