Friday March 14th, 2025
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Best Rap Releases of the Week 24

To help you keep up with all the new rap music released by artists in the MENA and diaspora, we’ve compiled a list of the best releases of the past week.

Scene Noise
Best Rap Releases of the Week 24

As rap continues it’s meteoric rise to the top of the MENA music charts, keeping up with the seemingly endless daily flow of new rap music is becoming quite a challenge. In order to keep you up-to-date with the latest releases from some of the MENA’s best rap talents, we’ve compiled this list of ten new and noteworthy musical projects released over the past week.

Today's list features selections from Afroto, Perrie, El Far3i, TooDope and more, as well as a seeming Wegz/Abyusif clash - or maybe it’s just an utter coincidence that Wegz dropped a track called ‘Asyad El Soot’ and Abyusif dropped one called ‘Asyad El Shoot’...

Wegz - Asyad El Soot 

Abyusif X Lil Baba - Asyad El Shoot

ElGrandeToto ft. SmallX - Thezz 

Yousef Joker X Molotof - El Deb El Shamaly ( Sa7la official Remix )

Afroto – Talamez

Lil Baba X Abo El Anwar - Ta3alo

ElFar3i - Sumo (P. Sirenwave)

Perrie - Shinobi

TooDope - Lissa 

Meno Zein – Shayateen


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