Halloween Party @ Dahab

  • DATE:
  • TIME:
  • PLACE:
  • AREA:
  • PHONE:
  • Parties

  • 31/10/2016

  • 8:00pm - 2:00am

  • Nesima Resort

  • Dahab

  • Mashraba , Dahab

  • 069-3640320

Pumpkins aren't the be all end all of Halloween scariness. In fact, if you were walking down the street and happened to see a pumpkin lying there, I doubt you would be scared. Unless you have a phobia of fruit. A werewolf or brain-eating zombie however is a whole other story, which is where your duty lies in terms of frightening Dahabians this Halloween with DJ Hany Hassan taking his tunes to the spooky decks. PS: Don't come dressed as a pumpkin.