Abyusif’s new music video for his track "Thanos" is directed by Raed Al Muraish. It is his third music video since he first started after "Naftalin" and "Msh La2y Wla T-shirt," but this time the video is different in terms of videography, as the camera’s motion, the coloring and the montage all fall into a more contemporary style of video production. Muraish’s use of the POV perspective in relationship to the track’s meaning proves he was the surely the proper director to go to.

With this single, Abyusif confirms his place in the regional rap scene. His lyrics as usual convey a strong message, like when he says “el ra3y el rasmi lel 7att 3ala el bandat” (the main sponsor giving bands a hard time), by which he shows how he’s one of the few people who made it from the underground to rival the larger scale bands.

Abyusif will be releasing a new music video of a track from his upcoming album soon, as he still has more than one trick up his sleeve for his fans. In the meantime, dig into this.

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