During Ramadan, millennials like ourselves have cherished memories of those special kids' shows and animated adventures that transported us back to a simpler time. Shows like Bakar, Bougi w Tamtam, and Snoo7y were a staple of Iftar TV, and the thrill of hearing those theme songs start was undeniable. We'd belt out the iconic lyrics to Mohamed Mounir's "Bakar" and sing along with "The Five Adventurers." These songs, along with the shows themselves, hold a special place in every kid's heart.

The SceneNoise team tapped into our inner child while curating this playlist, a collection. Join us on a nostalgic trip down memory lane.


بكار | تتر سنوحي | تتر بوجي وطمطم | تتر سوبر هنيدي | تتر القبطان عزوز | تتر  المغامرون الخمسه | تتر فوازير عمو فؤاد | تتر عالم سمسم | تتر ظاظا وجرجير | تتر